Nelson Giesecke is a Denver native who grew up in a family of metallurgists, dentists, mountain climbers and photography enthusiasts. His life’s passion has always involved art from the beginning as a child, through university and studies in Europe to now with Object Design Studio. Art history is the window through which one can understand modern design and engineering. Object Design Studio is a small, intimate gallery located on the second level of a building on the southeast corner of Third and Fillmore Street in the heart of Cherry Creek North shopping district in Denver.

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Nelson, I can't speak highly enough of your work!

We had a fairly large turquoise stone that we wanted made into my engagement ring.  (Okay, the "ask" part had already happened, but we wanted to find an artist to craft a ring out of the stone we chose.)  This proved much more difficult than we thought.  Lots of artists looked at the stone and couldn't think of how to make it into the ring I wanted.  I'm not kidding- we had even driven down to Santa Fe and talked to jewelers/artists down there who are accustomed to working with turquoise, but none of them worked out.  

Just when we thought we had exhausted all our options and I was thinking I was going to somehow have to compromise the design I had in mind, somehow my (now) husband found Object Designs and emailed Nelson.  He had us bring the stone down to his studio, where he drafted up a picture and sure enough it was exactly what I had imagined in my head!  I could have hugged him.  He quoted us a price, which was a little hefty, but much better spent on a unique personalized creation than on a generic diamond.  

We were going home for Christmas in January that year and I expressed my wishes for it to be finished before that, if at all possible.  Again- not a problem!  Nelson had that thing ready to go the day before we left.  

Each time in the studio, Nelson spent quality time with us and gave us his undivided attention, explaining the process of crafting the ring, etc.  One of the times, a flashy woman pulled up in an expensive car and came inside.  He explained to her he was with other customers and she would have to wait (a nice surprise in Cherry Creek!).  

Nelson also suggested writing lyrics or a blessing that meant something to us on a tiny piece of paper, and he forever sealed it into the ring- in between the stone and backing (I won't ever see it but now when I look at my ring, I smile and remember the Grateful Dead lyrics that are permanently inside which mean something special to us).  

Seriously- I could go on all day writing about how amazing this place is and what a talented artist Nelson is- Just go.  You will not be disappointed in whatever he creates for you - and you can certainly rest assured that it will be one of a kind.  Will it cost you?  Yes.  Will it be worth every penny and put a smile on your face every time you see it?  Absolutely!

Object Design Studio

Object Design Studio

Object Design Studio. 290 Fillmore Street. Denver, CO 80206 303-523-1116


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